Quality Check

Q-Check(Quality Assessment for educational institutions on implementation of defined process)

The major reasons for our educational institutions continuing to languish in mediocrity are: lack of accountability on the part of stake-holders in education, poor awareness about the institutions vision and lack of administrative training.

The aim of the project is two-fold:

  • To identify internal quality assurance processes in educational institutions, paying particular attention to how the institutions have implemented the part of the defined Standards and Guidelines from various departments.
  • To discuss the dynamics between the developments of institutional quality culture and quality assurance processes while identifying and presenting case practices.

Q-Check is the systematic collection, review and use of information about educational quality undertaken for the purpose of improving programs, services, student learning and development. Institutional assessment is the process that supports the Institute’s answer to the overall institutional effectiveness question: how well are we achieving our mission and goals?

Q-Check Framework provides an overview of our core assessment processes and elements. The framework has four integrated elements which power Q-Check’s efforts: Strategic Vision, Planning for Assessment, Implementation and use of data outcome for Continuous Improvement.

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